
Thursday, June 23, 2016

#whatsongoldcoast Mantra Meditation


Thursday, May 19, 2016

#YogaMeditationStudioPalmBeach Discover your inner calm 😃 ✌

I love this from Ymsa Yoga Meditation Studios Australia

Timetable for Yoga Classes

Namaste ✌


Thursday, April 14, 2016

Vegan Dinner and Treats #yogameditationstudiopalmbeach


 Gluten free, Dairy free, Sugar free, Vegan & Paleo-friendly


 8 fresh pitted dates

 1 1/2 cup macadamia nuts

 1/4 cup raw cacao powder*

 pinch of sea salt

 4 tbsp coconut oil*

 2 cups raw cashews, soaked in water for 6-8 hours & rinsed (this process also increases their bio-availibilty by activating them)

 1/2 cup coconut butter/paste*

 1/3 cup coconut nectar* (more if you like sweeter) or preferred sweetener

 1 tsp vanilla powder* (or scrape a vanilla pod)

 20 ml pure rose water

 1/4 cup fresh lemon juice

 2 tbsp lucuma powder*

 1/2 pink dragonfruit/pitaya (you could swap for raspberries, fresh or frozen)

 1 tsp beetroot powder (optional)

 1/2 cup raw cacao powder*

 1/2 cup of coconut oil* or 110g cacao butter* (or a combo of both)

 pinch of sea salt

 1 tsp vanilla powder* (optional)

 desired amount of coconut nectar* (this will vary depending on how sweet you like it) or preferred sweetener

 OR alternatively you could melt a bar of Loving Earth creamy coconut mylk chocolate


 • Blitz the macadamias in a food processor until crumbly
 • Add the dates, cacao, oil & salt
 • Blitz until doughy & sticky
 • Press the mixture into the base of your cake tin (I use a springform tin) & freeze until firm
 • Blend all filling ingredients until smooth & creamy
 • Spread onto base & freeze until firm
 • Melt cacao butter or coconut oil in a bowl over low heat
 • Whisk in remaining ingredients until smooth
 • Once filling is set, pour over topping & chill or freeze again
 • Top with fresh pistachios, figs and rose petals to make it extra turkish delightful
 • Store in the freezer for up to 6 weeks…if it lasts that long!

 Serves 12

Class Timetable

 Namaste 🌸

Monday, March 7, 2016

Lalita And The Alohas Mantra Band March - April 2016


Thursday, February 18, 2016

Yoga Philosophy Club Byron Bay : Lalita And The Alohas


Friday, January 15, 2016

Lalita And The Alohas @ West End The Mantra Room


Friday, December 25, 2015

#MantrasOnTahiti Wish You All A Safe And Peaceful Christmas Season


Thursday, November 12, 2015

#Atmasfera Mantra Diving at the Atmasfera Festival in Poland, “Gauranga,...


Thursday, October 15, 2015

Yoga for beginners @YogaMeditationPalmBeach


Thursday, September 17, 2015

Sacred Yoga Songs @YogaMeditationPalmBeach


Thursday, August 13, 2015

Hatha #YogaPalmBeach4221 : Health and Wellbeing


Tuesday, July 14, 2015

Vegan Treats @ Ymsa Yoga Meditation Studio Palm Beach

Cacoa Coconut Bliss Balls


- 1/2 cup almonds
- 2 cups shredded coconut
- 1/2 cup cacoa
- 12 medjool dates, pitted
- 4 tablespoons passionfruit pulp or orange juice

Method: In your food processor, pulse the almonds until finely chopped. Add the coconut, cacoa and dates, blend again until well combined. Next, add in the passionfruit pulp, blending until the mixture begins to stick together. Roll balls in more coconut if you like. Set aside in the fridge for an hour or so.


Yoga Timetable  


Sunday, June 14, 2015

Palm Beach Ukulele Group PUGS @YogaMeditationPalmBeach


Thursday, May 21, 2015

Ukulele #PalmBeachUkuleleGroup The instrument of Friendship, Love and Peace ✊🌴🌊👌


Friday, April 17, 2015

#PalmBeachUkulelGroup PUGs: Elephant play


Thursday, March 19, 2015

#PalmBeachUkuleleGroup How to make a Lei class


Thursday, February 12, 2015

#whatsongoldcoast Palm Beach Ukulele Group PUGS


Friday, January 16, 2015

#yogapalmbeach4221 : Yoga Meditation Retreats held regularly 🌸


Thursday, December 25, 2014

#yogameditationpalmbeach wish you all a Namaste Christmas & Peaceful New Year 2014

Have a safe, festive family Christmas and a Peaceful New Year.

When you are ready to start working off the extra kilos you may have gained due to enjoying the yum healthy snacks you've indulged in over the holidays - check back in with Yoga Palm Beach and see what the timetable holds for 2015.
Have a look here at the facebook page also Yoga Meditation


Thursday, December 4, 2014

Yoga Nidra : Yoga Palm Beach : Yoga Meditation Kingscliff

Thursday, November 27, 2014

How to become more compassionate - Meditation

Hi Yoga fans

Compassion is a much valued human quality. Have a read below and see for yourself how being compassionate can benefit health. Beneath this post click on the link to our Timetables. You will find classes that you can attend, all of which will help you become a more caring and compassionate person through yoga meditation. Meditation classes are FREE ..!

Scientific research into the measurable benefits of compassion is young. Preliminary findings suggest, however, that being compassionate can improve health, well-being, and relationships. 
Compassion makes us feel good: Compassionate action (e.g., giving to charity) activates pleasure circuts in the brain. Producing feelings of happiness.

    Being compassionate—tuning in to other people in a kind and loving manner—can reduce risk of heart disease by boosting the positive effects of the Vagus Nerve, which helps to slow our heart rate.

    Brain scans during meditation, which directs compassion toward suffering, suggest that, on average, compassionate people’s minds wander less about what has gone wrong in their lives, or might go wrong in the future; as a result, they’re happier.

    Compassion helps make caring parents: Brain scans show that when people experience compassion, their brains activate in neural systems known to support parental nurturance and other caregiving behaviors.

    Compassion helps make better spouses: Compassionate people are more optimistic and supportive when communicating with others.

    Compassion helps make better friends. Feeling compassion for one person makes us less vindictive toward others.

    Restraining feelings of compassion chips away at our commitment to moral principles.

    Employees who receive more compassion in their workplace see themselves, their co-workers, and their organization in a more positive light, report feeling more positive and are more committed to their jobs.

    More compassionate societies—those that take care of their most vulnerable members, assist other nations in need, and have children who perform more acts of kindness—are the happier ones.

    Compassionate people are more socially adept, making them less vulnerable to loneliness; loneliness has been shown to cause stress and harm the immune system.


    Tuesday, November 4, 2014

    Serenity Meditation - Beginners classes

    Hi All

    This is a post from

    I thought I would share this with you today.. wouldn't it be awesome if there were more peace and serenity in this world :)

    Through out the centuries, the fountain of youth has been the 'Quest' for many, so too self realisation, wisdom, peace, truth, serenity.

    In this particular AGE the practice of Mantra Yoga meditation is far more effective than other spiritual paths, like meditation on the white light or Brahman effulgence OR trying to control the life air and raise the kundalini to the top of the head as in raja yoga. Very few can perfect this process. Therefore the most effective means of focusing our attention is to concentrate on the sound vibration of a mantra.

    Although a vast science, the practice for peace, serenity, true inner happiness lies in a beautifully simple process. If you would like to investigate further check out our Timetables and come along to class. All teachers are certified and hold diplomas in Yoga Meditation classes, so you will be in very capable caring hands.

    Here are those links. Have a lovely relaxing day, come see us soon.


    Yoga Palm Beach

    Yoga Meditations Coolangatta

    Wednesday, October 29, 2014

    Djembe Drumming Lessons @Yoga Palm Beach


    Friday, October 10, 2014

    Ymsa : Yoga Meditation Studio Palm Beach Singing Meditation


    Tuesday, September 23, 2014

    Yoga Palm Beach : Hatha Yoga Sarvasana


    Thursday, September 4, 2014

    #YmsaYogaMeditationStudioPalmBeach : Hatha Yoga


    Saturday, August 30, 2014

    Yoga Palm Beach 4221 : Enchanted Kirtan


    Friday, August 15, 2014

    #whatsongoldcoast @Ymsa Yoga Meditation Studios Australia


    Thursday, July 31, 2014

    Happiness dwells in the soul

    Hi fellow yogis and yoginis

    If you are interested in meditation and or the Devine. Or maybe hatha yoga and a healthy lifestyle, we welcome your questions. If you would like to get in touch leave a comment or check out our Yoga Meditation Timetable. Come along to a class sometime, look forward to seeing you soon.

    Peace and light

    Friday, July 4, 2014

    Detox Juice #yogapalmbeach4221

    Hi Yoga fans

    Hope you are having a great week.

    Here's another super delicious, quick and easy health boosting juice for you to enjoy.

    Kick start your digestion with this georgous looking health boosting juice. Improve your immune system, as well as your skin and strengthen your eyes.

    Stay fit & stay healthy.

    Check out our Yoga Meditation Timetable and we look forward to seeing you in class

    To your health


    Sunday, June 29, 2014

    Yoga Benefits #YogaPalmBeach

    If you would like to experience yoga and all of the amazing benefits for yourself, get in touch. Check our Yoga Meditation Timetable for details.


    Saturday, June 14, 2014

    Coco Choc Vegan Delights @Ymsa Yoga Meditation Studio Palm Beach

    Here's another delish Vegan mouthful.

    Scrumptious Coconut Choc Delights


    1 cup organic coconut oil
    2 cups unsweetened shredded coconut
    1/4 cup organic agave or rice malt syrup
    12 ounces organic dark chocolate

    How To:

    *Warm coconut oil just until it's liquefied. Don't over heat.
    *Add shredded coconut, and agave or rice malt syrup.
    *Combine well.
    *Line shallow baking pan with parchment paper.
    *Press mixture into baking pan, freeze or refrigerate until solid.
    *Melt chocolate and spread over coconut.
    *Cut into squares and keep refrigerated.
    *Cut bars at room temperature so chocolate cuts easier.

    Prep Time: 15 mins Set Time: 30 mins Makes: 12 squares

    Have fun and enjoy.


    Yoga Meditation Timetable 


    Tuesday, May 20, 2014

    Good Morning Yoga fans #YogaPalmBeach

    Hi Yoga fans

    We hope you are having an awesome day.

    "Never look down on anybody, unless you are helping them up".

    Unfortunately, these days it seems that bullying, both verbal and physical are on the rise.

    It's almost as though a person is seen to be 'cool' if they are cruel and unkind to others.

    This is one reason why it is helpful on all levels to introduce people to the ancient art of Yoga meditation. Why? Because studies have shown that this very agreeable, very sweet and simple practice cleanses a persons heart, mind and intelligence so that he or she can then come to understand with purified vision that all sentient beings are of the same spiritual nature as oneself, this automatically brings about the condition of tolerance and compassion and the desire to relate to others kindly. Not just showing kindness to human others - BUT demonstrating compassion to all living creatures.

    This is the sweet fruit of this timeless practice. The regular hearing and singing of transcendental mantras, brings a deep understanding of how a person may live in the world in a non-violent way with a willingness to share and bring true peace to all.

    Yoga Meditation Timetable


    Tuesday, May 6, 2014

    Yoga Nidra Bliss #whatsongoldcoast4221

    Yoga Nidra

    Just as a car engine needs to be turned off and allowed to cool down after a long drive, similarly, after doing yoga postures, we need to cool our body with yoga nidra. It helps conserve and consolidate the energy from the yoga poses. Yoga nidra relaxes the entire system, preparing it for pranayama and deeper meditation. Stress is the number one cause of injury and illness, it is important to explore methods to keep balanced and joyful in the chaos of everyday life. 

    Guided Relaxation removes tension and fatigue in the physical body, relieves depression and anxiety, relieves headaches, reduces cravings and desires, rejuvenates and energizes the entire system, bolsters the body's natural healing capacities, and normalizes the circulatory system's functioning.

    During class you will be guided into a state of deep relaxation where your breathing and thoughts are slowed almost to the point of stopping, which can be as restorative as a full night's sleep. When done regularly and with intention, one can more easily cross over into Psychic Sleep.

    It is through this deep practice that you can gradually come to recognize that you are so much more than the body or the mind. The benefits of this class are cumulative - the more you do it, the greater the benefit. 

    If you would like to try this wonderful art of relaxation and rejuvenation, check out our yoga meditation timetable.

    Peace and Light

    Wednesday, April 23, 2014

    Reach Out - Take the time to care #yogapalmbeach

    We all have a Mary in our life:

    Mary is loved and thought of by everyone ... Just today her daughter thought about taking her to the doctor, her old friend thought about taking her shopping, her granddaughter 'almost' stopped by for a visit, and her neighbor 'almost' took her dinner.

    Mary 'almost' got that much needed Doctors visit ... She 'almost' got some much needed groceries, she 'almost' had the first visitor in months and she 'almost' had a hot meal.

    Mary 'almost' knew how much everyone loved and thought about her before she passed away ... alone.

    Make sure you don't 'almost' do things ... because it may be too ... late'

    Make that call, go visit, don't live with regret. Reach out and make someones day.

    Peace light love

    Thursday, April 10, 2014

    Smoothie delishiousness @yogapalmbeach4221

    Hi Yoga fans

    Today we have a "Nom Nom" smoothie recipe for you to try :)

    Don't worry, it's very healthy, quick, easy and delicious.


    1/2 cups pure water
    1 scoop vanilla protein powder
    2 tbsp hemp seeds
    2 tbsp coconut butter
    1 tsp vanilla powder
    1/2 tsp cinnamon
    1  frozen mango

    How To:

    Toss all fresh yuminess into a blender and Whizzzzz until you are happy with the consistency.

    Pour into a tall glass and enjoy.


    Yoga meditation timetable

    Friday, March 28, 2014

    Kindness Matters #whatsongoldcoast4221

    Manifests in many ways. As you may know we do a lot of work on the spiritual level by sharing the transcendental practice of sacred sound meditation with all those who are seeking a deeper purpose in life.  This includes working on all levels for the ultimate good of all sentient beings. There are many ways a person can express kindness in their daily lives and we have listed a few ideas below.

    Five Ways to be Kind
    Here are five ways to demonstrate your kindness and to contribute to building a more caring, compassionate community:
    1.     Give
    *Share your good fortune by donating to a charity, but remember that many charities need more than money. 

    *Donate blood.

    *Donate your clothing, house-wares or furniture.

    *Bring your gently used toys to shelters for abused women and their children. 

    *Or bring the toiletries you collect from hotel stays to local shelters for the poor or homeless.
    2.     Volunteer
    Volunteer your time, energy and talents to help a worthy cause. The practice of Karma yoga is an ancient practice and is part of the timeless Yoga system. 
    3.     Say thanks
    Take the time to say thanks to the people who help you every day – from the bus drivers who take you to and from work, to the shop assistants and restaurant staff who serve you, to the police officers and security guards who strive to keep you safe and free from harm. And the next time someone opens the door for you, helps you carry your bags, or does anything extra special for you, express your appreciation.
    4.     Celebrate kindness
    There are countless people in our community who are kind everyday:  Nurses, doctors, hospital workers, home health providers and the relatives and neighbours who care for others at home or close to home.  Acknowledge their kindness.  Tell them you value their generosity and caring.  They deserve the recognition.
    5.     Pay it Forward
    The next time someone is kind to you, make a conscious effort to pay that kindness forward by being kind to another person.  That way, you multiply the impact of kindness.  You feel good, you help another person feel good and you make a positive difference in the daily life of your community.