
Sunday, May 26, 2013

Yoga Meditation 4221 - Famous Vegetarians

As a child growing up in the country, surrounded by farmland and cows - one didn't think too long or hard about the small wooden cage outside the farmers gate which housed one solitary calf. Or some days that cage held even more calves.  There they stood all huddled together, very forlorn looking, lonely, grieving, always new born calves. I remember vividly their crying and bleating. Calling out piteously for their mothers, eyes full of bewilderment.

I recall those days now with a heavy heart, knowing now what I didn't know then about what happens to beautiful, new born calves that are put in those cages.

I have learned a lot about life since then. I have learned that within each living body resides a very precious soul. A valuable, much loved, eternally existing individual. I have learned that it is vital that we respect all forms of life, to not only respect but to value all, to be kind and compassionate to all - as much as we are able and to help in some way - all of our brothers and sisters regardless of  gender, nationality, beliefs etc,.

Yoga Meditation which includes the uplifting beautiful sounds of the names of the Supreme Friend, Lord, Father can bring about this condition of respect, compassion, kindness and so much more.

It you have an interest in how these timeless meditations work contact us. It is a very enjoyable type of meditation, very easy and simple to do. There are a number of different ways this meditation can be undertaken. You can meditate with your family and friends or practise in private. It's a lot of fun, plus it is so powerful it can change your heart and your life.

Come join in. Contact us for class details.

See you soon.

Australian Holistic Yoga Meditation 4221

Saturday, May 4, 2013

Yoga Meditation 4221 - Australian Holistic Yoga Meditation - An Inspirational Quote.


I think it would be fair to say that not many of us come into being, or are born on this earth with an abundance of  the good qualities as mentioned above. Generosity, kindness or understanding. I am tempted to go so far as to say that the other not so nice qualities Greed, Anger, and Ignorance can be found quiet readily in good supply. 

You may be interested to know that practising meditation consistently can help increase ALL good qualities and decrease the others.

Meditation using spiritual sound vibration is a very ancient technique used effectively by millions to achieve spiritual awareness or awakening.

Spiritual sound meditation can be likened to a cleansing agent, purifying or cleaning away the layers of dust which obscures our spiritual vision. This practise is very soothing on the heart and the mind and has a very satisfying and nurturing effect on the soul.

Come and find out what it's all about, you will be glad you did.

Om Shanti Om

Australian Holistic Yoga Meditation 4221