
Saturday, April 21, 2012

Yogameditation 4221 - Holistic Plant Based Living

There are many reasons to revisit the "Why be a vegetarian" ideology. You may have read some articles on why it is a good reason to switch to a plant based diet even if it's just for one day a week. These reasons include better health, better for the environment, better for spiritual reasons and obviously way better for the animals.

As compassionate human beings, we should ask ourselves this question: If I can stay fit and healthy by eating fruits, legumes, grains and nuts etc,. is it necessary, or does it make sense to kill animals?

In a vegetarian diet, the plant is not killed (when its leaves and fruits are picked.) If it is, the killing of a plant versus an animal can not realistically be compared since plants are not as neurologically developed as animals. Wise men implore us to think long and hard about our eating habits. There's room enough on this planet for all living beings to co-exist peacefully. Choose to be compassionate, see, respect and value all life.

Millions have lived and are happily living today on a vegetarian or vegan diet. For centuries perfect masters have been the fore runners of vegetarianism advocating non violence, 'thou shalt not kill'. It is true that one living entity is food for another. We must eat, if we don't we die - BUT why not eat low on the food chain.

There's so much publicity surrounding vegetarianism and the benefits a plant based diet has on the planet, our environment, our consciousness, health and hearts. If we are sincerely concerned about our planet and the legacy of our children and future generations we can be pro-active and do our little bit by switching to a plant based diet as a lifestyle choice or maybe choosing to go plant based at least one day a week.

- If every American decided to eat meat-free one day per week, it would be the same as taking 8 million cars off American roads.

- 1 person going vegetarian for 1 year reduces 3,267 pounds of CO2 emissions.

If you would like more in depth information, or would like to know what the ancient Vedic texts say in regards to this subject, contact Australian holistic yoga meditation for details.

Come to one of our holistic yoga meditation classes, find out how yoga stretch, relax, revive and rejuvenate can help you.  Discover how living a life in wisdom benefits all, including plants, insects, animals, the planet and the universe.

Om Shanti Om
Peace and good will to all living beings.

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